Comfort Zone

From helpful hints to expert insights and education, keep up to date with the latest here at Enora.

Empowering those looking after the older generation
Air Contur

Empowering those looking after the older generation

Empowering those looking after the older generation As our families age, many of us find ourselves taking on more responsibility and looking after our loved ones - often without knowing exactly how...

Pressure soresMake Your Wellbeing a New Year's Resolution

Make Your Wellbeing a New Year's Resolution

As the New Year approaches, it's the perfect time to reflect on the past and set intentions for the future. Amidst the hustle and bustle of resolutions, consider making your wellbeing a top priorit...

Our Story

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Care through the power of air

Made in Britain

Experience NHS-backed technology, manufactured in South Wales.


NHS-backed, used and highly recommended by healthcare professionals.


Utilise our ComfiFlexᵀᴾᵁ film to alleviate and reduce peak pressure.

Enora Superᴾᵁ

Multi-stretch PU material supports immersion, envelopment and reduces friction for enhanced user comfort.